Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Angular Cheilitis Free Forever

Angular Cheilitis – Definition, Causes and Treatment

Angular Cheilitis is also known under the name or cheilosis or angular stomatitis. This condition affects the skin around the lips leading to painful cracks most often in the corners of the mouth. In severe cases, the cracks can become inflamed, can bleed and sometimes infections are developed inside those cracks, which can make normal and banal actions, like talking or eating, a painful nightmare for the sufferer. 

In most cases there is a cumulus of factors which lead to this condition. Probably the most important factor is the presence of moisture inside the mouth’s folds. This moisture favors the accumulation of bacteria which will eventually lead to irritation and even infection. Shallow ulcerations are also very often in severe case, these forming a crust if they are not wiped out from the surface.

Apart from moisture inside the corners of the mouth and in its folds, the bad nutrition is also a factor which can trigger this condition. The lack of iron, zinc and riboflavin as well as a strong immune system that could effectively fight this type of aggression coming from the external world favor the fast development of Angular Cheilitis.

Chapped lips, which are continuously licked can easily transform into an angular Cheilitis, especially if the environment in which the individual lives is a humid or cold one. This is why, in cold weather people are recommended not to lick their lips as they will not bring any relief to the sensations brought by chapped lips, but rather make the condition worse. The salive does not moisturize the skin, but rather increases the risk of infection, as it contains lots of bacteria which can be quite harmful to the already damaged skin. Children and seniors are more prone to develop this condition as they are more sensitive to extreme temperatures and their immune system is not capable of fully coping with the outside threats.

The infection with Candida Albicans (thrush) can further increase the patience sufferance and make the condition even more severe.

Usually, Angular Cheilitis is treated by doctors with antibiotics and with an ointment containing 1% hydrocortisone. Yet, the treatment may last for couple of weeks and even months. In some cases the condition keeps reappearing after a period of time, another treatment being necessary.

Resource box:
If you are tired to cope with Angular Cheilitis day by day, fight it without obtaining any kind or result you should try this wonderful treatment! It can get you rid of this otiose condition in just a few days! Unbelievable but true! Just try this treatment in the comfort of your home and in a few days you will be ready to get out of the house without having no cracks or inflammations in the corners of the mouth! You will be free to smile, eat and drink what you want without any pain or suffering!

Angular Cheilitis – A Condition that Can Seriously Affect Your Body

Even though Angular Cheilitis is a skin condition which may seem banal and almost harmless, this disease can seriously damage the human body. Many people who have not given it the right importance have seen how badly such a skin condition can affect their lives. Read on to find out the reasons from which you should address this condition from the apparition of the first signs.

Angular Cheilitis is the skin condition which involves the apparition of lesions in the corners of the mouth, lesions which with time grow bigger and deeper. Gradually, the cracks become sores filled with puss and the person affected by this skin condition is no longer able to fully open the mouth as each time they do the skin cracks even more and the patient is in great pain. What this means is that the person suffering from this condition is no longer able to have a proper nutrition, as each time they open their mouth the pain starts and the skin cracks. Without an appropriate nutrition, the immune system loses its strength and ability to effectively fight this disease as well as any other internal or external aggressions. Thus, the body gets weaker and weaker as time goes by and it is more prone to diseases and illnesses which otherwise might have fought with ease.

The intake of water is also affected. Even though the person affected by this condition drinks water, the quantity is far smaller than the usual amount, thus the skin no longer receives the moisture it needs and further cracking is favored, thus aggravating the condition. Also, the entire body may get dehydrated and suffer from lack of water. All these happen because of those apparently harmless cracks from your mouth
If you want to keep your body in perfect condition and avoid such terrible things to happen, make sure that you treat Angular Cheilitis from the first signs. It will not only exempt you of all the pain associated with this disease, but it will also help you keep your body in good shape and prevent any other kind of aggression on it!

Resource box:
If you no longer want to have those anesthetic and painful cracks around your mouth, if you want to eat, drink and speak normally without experiencing any pain when opening your mouth, then check out this new and revolutionary treatment! It will get you rid of Angular Cheilitis in just a few days and you will be able to enjoy life to its fullest again, without worrying about those otiose cracks!

Prevent Angular Cheilitis by Following These Simple Steps

It is well known that it is much easier to prevent a disease than treating it. Angular Cheilitis makes no exception to the rule. In fact, it is much better to stay away from this condition then having to cope with it and wait weeks or even months until it gets treated. This is why it is highly important to know how you can prevent it before you will be face with this skin condition. Below you will find some simple steps which should be taken in order to keep cheilosis away from your skin.

1.      Balanced diet, filled with food rich in vitamins and minerals

The immune system plays a great part in fighting internal or external aggressions. This is why you must make sure it is strong enough to face all those bacteria and viruses without collapsing. A strong immune system can only be acquired with a balanced diet rich in leafy vegetables, green vegetables, fresh fruits, lean meat and dairy products. Also, intakes of vitamin supplements is recommended when the body has to recover from an illness or surgery, when there are periods of stress or in case of extreme weather conditions.

2.      Take care of your teeth

Teeth, although indirectly involved, can be the cause of Angular Cheilitis. More precisely, if your teeth prevent the mouth from closing normally, if you lack one or more teeth or if your denture is not fitting well in place, folds are created where saliva and sweat can remain for a longer period, thus putting the bases of a severe Angular Cheilitis.
3.      Proper hygiene

Although you must generally take care of your hygiene, this is even much more important if you want to prevent Angular Cheilitis as only a through hygiene will kill most of the bacteria and fungi and will prevent further infection of the cracks.
4.      Avoid licking your chapped lips

Chapped lips are the main cause for which Angular Cheilitis occurs in children. Thus, learning them that is wrong to lick their lips and provide them a lip balm to keep with them wherever they go may significantly reduce the occurrence of such a skin condition.
These four steps may seem banal, yet they are the main steps you have to take in order to keep Angular Cheilitis away and precisely because they are so easy and simple you should start taking them so that neither you nor your family will have to cope with this skin condition ever again!

Resource box:
If you no longer want to have those anesthetic and painful cracks around your mouth, if you want to eat, drink and speak normally without experiencing any pain when opening your mouth, then check out this new and revolutionary treatment! It will get you rid of Angular Cheilitis in just a few days and you will be able to enjoy life to its fullest again, without worrying about those otiose cracks!

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