Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How To Quit Weed

Health Effects Of Smoking Marijuana

Every weed smoker out there is somewhat informed of the health effects that come along with smoking marijuana though they still go on smoking the weed. There are two possible reasons as to why you have taken time to read this, one; you smoke weed and you want a valuable reason to stop (you will have one after reading this) two, you just want to know the health effects of smoking marijuana. For both cases, after reading this short article, you should understand why smoking marijuana is health threatening and how you can help yourself or anyone else to stop smoking marijuana. Enough chit chat, lets get started.
What is marijuana? (It’s more than just weed)
Over the years, scientists have done studies that prove some strange health facts about smoking marijuana that you probably have no idea whatsoever about. Some are:
> weed comes from the female cannabis sativa plant, as excretion. So if the plant ‘herself’ refuses to take the weed, why do you smoke it? Technically you are consuming the plant’s…. I won’t finish that, but I hope you get the picture.
>Did you know that if you gave a deer marijuana the deer would chew it up? Think about it, by smoking weed, you are basically consuming the same thing a deer would eat. I don’t know whether you would consider it a health effect of smoking marijuana, but that’s not right.
Smoking (whatever your smoking, its harmful)
Whether you are smoking marijuana, cigarettes or anything ‘smokable’ if I may use broken English; you are still putting your health at risk. Smoking can fetch you lung cancer, stomach cancer, mouth cancer and so much more, I can go on for the rest of this article. So before you think about the health effects of smoking marijuana, consider the natural effects of smoking.
Negative health effects of smoking marijuana and what they mean to you as a marijuana smoker
There are some health effects of smoking marijuana that are known of allover, I’m talking about depression, anxiety, processing slowly and so much more, but on this point I’d like to get your attention deeply on the effects that some these ‘tiny’ effects have on you.
Most people who smoke marijuana have lots of problems, if not depression or just stress it’s the desire to have that head rush and the feeling of being high on weed. But look at it this way, Tom is a 35 year old who has stress and is depressed, so he turns to marijuana. Yeah, it is wrong but effects on his side would be:
  • Slowing down
  • Slower damage on his already developed mind
  • Imprisonment after living free for 35 years
On the other hand, Joey a 17 year old, has some stress and depression because his parents refused him to go for a party or because he got dumped; any can do. But the effects far different:
  • Slowing down
  • His mind is most likely not yet fully developed but getting damaged
  • He has a higher chance of losing control and getting addicted compared to Tom
  • imprisonment after living free for 17 years
Nevertheless, both of these characters are imposing on themselves some really negative health effects that come along with smoking marijuana. Turning around is never too difficult, that is if you stop smoking marijuana using the right ways. I have seen people who used to smoke marijuana every single day stop in a matter of 7-10 days just because they had the right information about what to do.
Putting the weed down and deciding to stop won’t get you there. You need people to give you tips and advice you on what you must do. You can as well turn to online communities about quitting marijuana where you can ask your questions and get the same support or even better.
Stopping may just be the right thing.
Thanks for your time :)

The Effects Of Weed On Teenagers

We all know there's a lot of drug use among teenagers. The most popular drug of choice, probably globally, is marijuana. There's going to be millions of teenagers smoking marijuana and, in my own opinion, the rallies that's going on at the moment for legalizing cannabis is only leading to more teens turning to the drug.
A report I was reading about a study carried out in Colorado Springs, where teenagers were interviewed about the drug, revealed quite a big misunderstanding about it's use.
With the medical marijuana centers being on the increase, teens are being led to believe that smoking marijuana must be healthy for them.
What isn't getting taken into consideration is the effects of weed on teenagers, over the long term, associated with the brain.
As you may already know, the teen years are really important in terms of brain cell development. Something that the effects of weed on teenagers can affect.
It stunts the development of them and teens are under the illusion that it helps them concentrate when they're studying in class etc.
The misconception is that it's healthier than drinking alcohol.
The truth is that it is going to be a healthier choice than drinking alcohol and/or smoking cigarettes, but both are drugs that damage the brain cells in the long haul.
Cannabis leads to short term memory loss for those who end up smoking it regularly. Then there's the other medical conditions it can lead to, further down the line.
Conditions such as:
  • Emphysema
  • COPD
  • Chronic Bronchitis
...and other health conditions of the lungs are associated with the long term effects of marijuana.

The most detrimental effects of weed in teenagers is the brain cell development being affected by the use of the drug.
It might feel like it's helping to relieve the stress of exams and things, in the moment, but further along, the risks are higher for teen marijuana smokers for developing health problems and that's not to mention being in a higher risk group of people who could go on to develop a sort of weed addiction.
According to stats from N.I.D.A (The National Institute For Drug Abuse), it's reported that 9% of marijuana smokers can develop this and that's increased to about 1 person in every 6 teens who smoke marijuana, eventually find themselves having trouble to quit smoking weed
The most risk with the marijuana and teenagers is the fact that they can go on to use it for quite some time. The longer it's used, the worse the effects of weed become. Not just relating to physical health problems but mental health problems as well.
A prevalent problem among long term pot smokers is depression. When people are affected with this illness it can turn their lives upside down.

How To Get Over A Weed Addiction

Are you ready to learn how to get over a weed addiction? You're about to learn how you can go about things so you can conquer your addiction to weed and stay off the pot for the rest of your life.
You just need to want to achieve this within yourself and not because your girlfriend or someone else is breathing down your neck to quit smoking the stuff.
Once you can be honest with yourself and admit that you really do want to put the pipe away...
Here's what to do...
Get Yourself Ready: Preparation Is Critical
This is setting a day that you are going to have your last smoke. If you want to make that tomorrow, go for it, but depending on how much you have been smoking pot in the past you may want to make that a few weeks from now.
Here's why...
Your body is going to be used to the effects of smoking weed. You've probably spent years of your life being able to relax on demand with the help of smoking the herb. You ain't going to have that luxury when you quit smoking weed.
You need to be mentally and physically prepared for that.
What's Gonna Happen?
You will face sleepless nights for a couple of days. That's a given. But, hey, what's a couple of days out your life when the rest of it is going to be weed addiction free.
Getting yourself prepared for such a dramatic lifestyle change can be daunting. That's why when you reach that day when you promise yourself you are going to leave the pot alone, you should have a plan of attack to fight back when temptation comes kicking you in the gut.
Here's how to deal with the weed addiction aftermath...
For this, hobbies work great. Pick something you like. You don't have to be good at it, as long it relaxes you. Drawing, painting and carpentry can be great time hoggers and mind occupiers. If you plan to spend your time playing computer games you might find yourself getting easily frustrated when you lose lives and weapons, so try and keep things as stress free as you can for the first few days of quitting.
Another thing you will probably notice when you stop smoking weed is your appetite may drain away for a few days. Even though you may not feel like eating, go ahead and eat something. Your body is going to need fuel and you won't do your health much good by starving. You don't need marijuana to develop an appetite. A few days in and you'll be happier for it.

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